The Viscount & The Virgin - Takako Hashimoto & Valerie Parv

The Viscount & The Virgin

von Takako Hashimoto & Valerie Parv

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2019-12-25
  • Genre: Josei-Manga


Kirsten works as a curator at Merrisand Castle, where she becomes mesmerized by the overwhelming charm of Viscount Aragon, Rowe Sevrin, who happens to come by the castle for an inspection. He’s the very man who brought her sister to despair six years ago and from whom she’s been keeping a secret. Kirsten knows she can never forgive him, but she must work with him to improve tourism. If he ever finds out the truth, her happy life will be destroyed. But will she be able to keep her guard up against this handsome scoundrel?

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