A DARK & STORMY NIGHT(Harlequin Comics) - Takako Hashimoto

A DARK & STORMY NIGHT(Harlequin Comics)

von Takako Hashimoto

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2016-09-01
  • Genre: Josei-Manga


Katie decides to set out on the road in the middle of a raging storm. While trying to find cover from the rain, something leads her in the direction of an old castle. There she finds the secluded O’Neal, whose eyes invokea sense of nostalgia in her. Though her stay proves to be eerie, she can’t help but want to know more about O’Neal. It’s as if some unknown force keeps nuedging her to get close to him. Katie decides it’s up to her to set O’Neal free from his chains, but will her feelings hold true once she sees the truth behind his torment?

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