Pregnant by Mr. Wrong - Rachael Johns

Pregnant by Mr. Wrong

von Rachael Johns

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-03-01
  • Genre: New Adult-Liebesromane


Dear Aunt Bossy, 

It's no secret that my world turned upside down when I learned an impulsive night of passion left me pregnant. And the dad? He's the devil-may-care brother of my former fiancé. He's a heartbreaker of a man who swept me off my feet—again—before he learned I was in the family way. But our romantic reunion might not have been as unplanned as I thought. 

Aunt Bossy, I don't want a man who's with me just because he feels it's his duty. I want him to be as smitten with me as he is with the idea of becoming a father. As head over heels with me as I am with him… 

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