Deities: A Collected Uncollected Anthology - Michael Warren Lucas, Jamie Ferguson, Robert Jeschonek, Rebecca M. Senese, Dayle A. Dermatis, Stefon Mears, DeAnna Knippling & Leah R. Cutter

Deities: A Collected Uncollected Anthology

von Michael Warren Lucas, Jamie Ferguson, Robert Jeschonek, Rebecca M. Senese, Dayle A. Dermatis, Stefon Mears, DeAnna Knippling & Leah R. Cutter

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2020-04-01
  • Genre: Zeitgenössisch


Enjoy the urban fantasy stories of the Uncollected Anthology: Deities now collected in this bundle.

Search for missing gods or do some job hunting. Leave the window open for a brother bird god and be sure to protect an artifact. Use your credit and sacrifice it all for your warrior self.

Explore the Uncollected Anthology with Deities!

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