Texas Witness - Barb Han

Texas Witness

von Barb Han

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2017-09-01
  • Genre: Romantische Thriller


Six foot two of raw masculinity is her best witness protection

Face-to-face with the woman who jilted him, Colin O’Brien tells himself he’s over her. What the charming rancher doesn’t know is that the man Melissa Roark Rancic married has forced her—and her infant daughter—to live a charade of love. And now, about to testify to his criminal deeds, she’s shaken by rekindled feelings for Colin and scared that he’ll discover her child is his.

Though angry, Colin vows to protect Melissa from her vengeful ex…while safeguarding his own heart. But once he steps up, he can’t step away. No danger can keep Colin from the woman he never stopped loving.

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