Trial by Heart - Lizzy Ford

Trial by Heart

von Lizzy Ford

  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2015-12-28
  • Genre: Paranormale Liebesromane


Novella 4, Trial Series. The secrets behind the Kingmaker Curse are starting to unravel. Leslie’s initial excitement about formulating a plan to break the curse plunges into devastation when she realizes the personal cost. Each candidate has had to sacrifice what he wants most in the world, and one of them will pay with his life.

Nothing can prepare her to learn one of the candidates is not who he claims to be. There’s a fourth player in the trials, whose presence has been felt but not seen, until now. The mastermind’s sole purpose in life is to save the Community – and her.

The curse begins its final phase of trying to possess her mind. Aided by the mastermind, Leslie fights for her life and those of the Community. No matter what, she’s only a Kingmaker for one more week.

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